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DEC 2005


BBC Radio 4 Food and Farming awards 2005
A catering manager from HM Prison High Down in Surrey, Jamie Oliver and Sustain were among the winners of the Food and Farming Awards 2005.  Details can be found on:
 Soil Association School Food Awards 2005 
Hurlford Primary School in East Ayrshire, Thomas Fairchild Community School in London, Landscove CE Primary School in Devon and Lethbridge Primary School in Swindon were the winners of this year’s Soil Association School Food Awards, all working towards the Food for Life targets for local, organic and unprocessed ingredients in their school meals.   Details can be found on
 Beef labelling consultation
A consultation paper was launched on 15th November by the Scottish Executive on whether the requirement, under EU Beef Labelling Regulations, to label the origin of beef should be extended from retail outlets to the food service sector.  See for more details.
 Healthy Start scheme launched in Devon and Cornwall
Poorer families with pregnant women or children under five will receive vouchers worth £2.80 per week which can be exchanged for fruit, milk or powdered baby milk.  The scheme is due to be extended to the whole country next year.  See for more details.
 Launch of the Food for Life international campaign
The Soil Association’s Food for Life international campaign received backing from HRH The Prince of Wales at its launch in New York in the beginning of November.  Source:, 4 November 2005

Feeding our Cities in the 21st Century, 6-7th January 2005
Climate Change, Oil Crisis, Trade Disruption – feeding our cities in the face of real and present challenges will be the theme of the Soil Association’s 60th Anniversary Conference taking place at the Brewery Conference Centre, London.  Tickets are available from £220 + VAT (day rate) to £550 + VAT (full conference at standard rate including accommodation).  To book or for more information contact 0117 987 4586 or visit  The deadline for booking tickets is 16th December.  
FEED:  Food Environmental Efficiency Day 2006 – an appetite for cost savings, February 14th 2006
An event being held by Environwise.  See for more details. 
PSFPI Regional Suppliers’ Workshops
Defra and the Government Offices for the Regions are running a series of workshops for existing and potential suppliers of food to the public sector between now and the end of Spring 2006.  Dates have been set for the North West – 16&17 February (, the South West – 2nd March ( and the West Midlands – 1st March (  For more details on all of the workshops see

Healthy Hospitals: Implementing sustainable food procurement – a summary of the conference main messages
A summary of the main messages that emerged from this King’s Fund conference, held in conjunction with the Department of Health, Sustain, Soil Association and the NHS National Patient Safety Agency on 10th November, can be downloaded from
 Soil Association Organic Market Report, 14th November 2005
Consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about food miles, packaging and provenance.  While organic sales continue to rise more shoppers are going to box schemes, farm shops and farmers’ markets for their fresh produce as opposed to supermarkets.   See for more details. 
 Food in Schools: A short guide for parents and carers
A Government report that aims to give a greater understanding of what children should be eating and drinking, and learning about at school can be downloaded from
Q&A with Elliot Morley MP, Minister of State, Climate Change and Environment on sustainable procurement
Elliot Marley MP spoke to eGov monitor about how sustainable procurement can help UK public sector achieve efficiency, provide competitiveness and at the same time protect the environment.  The questions and answers are published on
A Case for a Sustainable Food Logistics Centre – a Food Hub, London Development Agency
A London Development Agency publication, by Sustain, that explores the potential for a new centre in London to facilitate a more sustainable food supply for London.  The report is available to download on
Sustainable Food for London’s Schools, London Development Agency
A London Development Agency publication, by Sustain, launched at the ‘School Food in London’ conference on 25th November.  This conference, attended by over 140 participants, was part of the London Food Strategy consultation.  To download the publication and find out more about the consultation visit and
 Producing the Goods 1, Common Ground
A 16 page pamphlet and website providing examples and reasons to buy locally produced foods.  Available from Common Ground free with a SAE (A5 envelope + 35p stamp).  Contact 01747 850820,  or visit .
Double dividend? Promoting nutrition and sustainable consumption through school meals, Sustainable Consumption Roundtable (SCR)
A report, by the Soil Association and Cardiff University, commissioned by the SCR, that explores the agreements and contradictions in recommendations for improving nutritional quality and sustainability of school meals.  Soon to be available to download from

Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming

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