This unit looks at the environmental costs of food production and what is meant by sustainable food. It explores sustaainable methods of food production and distribution.
What is Sustainable Food
Know the three elements of sustainable food - environmental, economic and social. That will include organic, IPM (Integrated Pest Management), Fairtrade, Ethical Trade and LocalSourcing
Understand the role of energy, land, food miles, biodiversity and water
Understanding food use in your own organisation, canteens to vending machines.
Environmental costs
Understand the role of fossil fuels.
Recognise contribution to Global Warming Potential.
Know impact on Biodiversity
Know the advantages and disadvantages of local production.
Know what can be done to reduce food waste
Managing food usage
Understand methods of reducing energy usage in food production whether from near or far.
Know how this can be applied in your own workplace.
Know how to measure and monitor food consumption.
Understand the link to health improvements in diet
Understand the importance of , and how to gain, employee support for changes in food use