The SFGuide sets out the issues to make food "more sustainable". It tackles in detail:
ENVIRONMENT - Climate Change, Energy Efficiency, Organic Produce, Soil & Land, Fertiliser Use, Pesticide Use, Fish, Biodiversity, Water
SOCIAL - Fair Trade, Social Audit, Ethical, Local Sourcing
ECONOMIC - Internal Operations, BSE Lessons, Hormones, Antibiotics Additives
HEALTH - Hygiene, Nutrition, Animal Welfare
As a standard we use 'Food for Life' Catering Mark
The SF Guide suggests what you can do to improve sustainable food provision, by adopting & adapting a quality system. There are many skills to develop, from basic cooking and healthy food procurement to tracing environmental and ethical impacts - many thousands of miles away. These skills could be promoted with vocational qualifications based on Sustainable Food Production National Occupational Standards