Carbon in Air, Water and Land..Carbon Cycle...
Savings to carbon emissions can be made at each stage of food cycle. (More about other 'Cycles')

How Food moves Carbon

Local trading could save 12.2 Mtc (
Million tonnes of Carbon) CO2

In UK, 17% of men, 21% of women are obese and 46% of men & 32% are overweight. Carbon is being stored as fat.

Waste Disposal
Around 25% of food purchased is thrown away. The more that goes to landfill or incineration the more carbon is lost from the earth & goes up as CO2.



Local food offers saving 0.6Mtc GHG/Ozone depleters with freezing in supermarkets


Problems for food


The UK could sequester 6Mtc/yr in the soil and maintain present production

Fertilsers and pesticides cost 2.3 Mtc during their production

Soil in the UK lost 12% of its carbon content in 15 years - from 1980-95. That is about 4Mtc/yr lost in GHG emissions.
It is possible to reduce 7.4 Mtc emissions with changed agricultural practices.


Livestock contributes 5.7 Mtc methane

There are no Headline Sustainable Development Indicators for Soil Carbon. (What about other parts?)

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