Local trading could save 12.2 Mtc (Million tonnes of Carbon) CO2
In UK, 17% of men, 21% of women are obese and 46% of men & 32% are overweight. Carbon is being stored as fat.
Waste Disposal
Around 25% of food purchased is thrown away. The more that goes to landfill or incineration the more carbon is lost from the earth & goes up as CO2.
Fertilsers and pesticides cost 2.3 Mtc during their production
Soil in the UK lost 12% of its carbon content in 15 years - from 1980-95. That is about 4Mtc/yr lost in GHG emissions.
It is possible to reduce 7.4 Mtc emissions with changed agricultural practices.
Livestock contributes 5.7 Mtc methane