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Incredible Edibles in Todmorden...

Todmorden, a town tucked into the Pennines of West Yorkshire, is trying a new approach to local food production, called "Incredible Edible"

Todmorden Market prides itself on producing and selling local food
The new "Incredible Edible" approach
to local production is
encouraging growing vegetable
in public areas.

This is to encourage both local production
and consumption, as the fruits of the plants, and the labour, are given away for free!

Various people and groups have come together
- some giving up their land,

- some giving seeds,

- others doing the digging

- thereby developing land skills

in order to...


Have a look round the town,
and you can find...

Artichokes in boxes along the canal

and more outside the Rail Station.......

and a raised bed in the Carpark

and a bed of veg outside the Health Centre...
There are marrows under the arches...

.. and on the main road

and when you have finished searching,
drop into the Bear Cafe
where you may find some of the
Incredible Edible insiders..

bear cafe ign

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Only break-through project to be chosen by the Sustainable Development Commission to be taken forward to help transform the UK into a sustainable society 2009
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