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Sustainable Food Guide
Environmental Practice at Work © 2005 Link:EP@W Ltd Web Site

Supermaket Targets for Carbon Reduction
· Halve emissions from existing stores and distribution centres worldwide by 2020
· Halve greenhouse gas emissions per case of goods delivered worldwide by 2012 (compared with 2006)
· Cut the number of carrier bags by 50% by the end of February 2009 (compared with 2006)

· Reduce energy consumption of existing stores by 20% by 2012 and new stores by 30% by 2010 (compared with 2005)
· Send zero waste to landfill by 2010
· Sell only 100% sustainably sourced fish by 2010

· Reduce carbon footprint cumulatively by 36% by 2010 (from 2005)
· Reduce road miles travelled per pallet of stock by 6% by 2010
· 15% reduction in water use by 2010 (from 2005)

Marks and Spencer
· UK & Irish operations carbon neutral by 2012
· Send no waste to landfill by 2012
· Reduce carrier bag use by 33% by 2010

· Reduce CO2 emissions a square metre by 25% by 2012 (from 2005/06)
· Reduce CO2 emissions per case of goods transported by 5% by March 2009 (from 2005/06)
· Reduce waste sent to landfill by 50% relative to sales by 2012 (from 2005/06)

· Reduce carbon dioxide emissions for UK operations by 10% by 2010, 20% by 2020 and 60% by 2050 (from 2001)
· Reduction of 15% in energy-related transport CO2 emissions from stores deliveries by 2013 (from 2005)
· Recycle 75% of all waste by 2012

Targets 2 contd..

Your policy drives your system and outlines the goals, or objectives. Targets are the means of achieving these objectives. You will need to quantify your targets, set realistic timescales, and consider a method for tracking the progress and reviewing the targets. Careful thoughts needs to go into what you are promising to deliver - you will be judged on your achievements.

Before setting targets managers will need to consider several factors:
  • What are the needs and aspirations of your employees, customers and other stakeholders?
    Refer back to the analysis of the survey carried out during the review by skilled workers.
  • Are there any financial implications or constraints, do you have the budget you need?
    Budget requirements are part of top management commitment.
  • Have you agreed who will be responsible for different or new tasks?
    Plan with skilled workers who will need to carry out specific tasks

Employees at all levels across the organisation need to know what the targts are, and their roles, in order to participate in their achievement. Make sure you have efficient two-way communication.
Mangers need to develop and agree targets with the help of those skilled workers who are going to carry them out.
Click for Target Tipsgraphic link Tasks:
  • Managers & Skilled workers together agree targets & timescales.
  • Write your specific, measurable, realistic, trackable targets.
  • Agree responsibilities for carrying out different targets.
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