Issues | | Make the Sustainable Food Pledge... Make a pledge! A pledge is a simple statment that shows others what you intend to do about promoting more sustainable food. It is a signal that you intend to do more, while leaving you room to determine what is the best thing to do. Advertise it in your place of work - your shop, kitchen, restaurant, hospital, or local authority. Spread the message. Read through the pledge criteria below and make 3 statements about where you expect you can make improvements; one from each of the three dimensions of the conventional definition of sustainability - environment, social & economic. These 3 statements are your promise to look at issues in the following areas: ENVIRONMENT | Climate Change, Energy, Organic produce, Pesticide use, Water e.g. "We are going to include organic produce in all our meals" | SOCIAL | Labour Practices, Human Rights, Health & Safety, Society & Community, Product Responsibility, Fair Trade, Local Sourcing e.g. "We will explore how we can buy more from local sources" | ECONOMIC | Additives, Hormones, Antibiotics, Customers, Suppliers, Investors & Stakeholders, Public Sector, Products & services, Compliance e.g "We will explain to our suppliers our commitment to more sustainable meals" | You will find suggestions and ways to make improvements throughout this online Guide. We hope to continue expanding the guide, so please submit for inclusion when making your pledge any additional ideas you have to promote more sustainable meals. back
| Want to to make your pledge into an achievable target?  Click to 'Make your Pledge' to Promote Sustainable Food.....................