Involve others... There are no laws or requirements to involve anybody else in the process of promoting sustainable food. You dont have to involve anybody. It is up to the manager to decide who could be involved and how. It would be good practice to follow existing communications systems - whether hierachial, consultative, social partnership, or quality involvement. Managers (4) You may already found from the concerns survey that most people have opinions about food. Engage with that. You may find that "the bigger the buy-in (to the process), the better the outcome". You need to consider ways to get people involved. You need some sort of communication system that works two ways - in and out. You could appoint people as 'practitioners' who can help put policies into practice and help communications. You may want some simple learning materials for each of the following groups: Other managers Keep everyone informed of what you are doing, and respond promptly to questions and concerns arising with the process. Practitioners Appoint several responsible people, like supervisor, team leader, union rep, or skilled technician. Discuss with them, as part of your planning, what you want to do so that everyone is clear what the possible task may involve. All employees Encourage employees to complete online quiz to see how aware they are about sustainable food issues. Set up informal discussion groups to identify different attitudes to food. Sustainable Food Practitioner (3) A Sustainable Food Practioner is somebody like a safety or environmental practitioner. Such a person would carry the respect of the manager and relate with the rest of the workforce. They are capable of doing quite complex tasks. They have the freedom to move around at work and enable good communications. Practitioners will be expected to help set realistic targets and make suggestions for improvements. Employees (2) Find out your role relation to the changes planned. Do the quiz. Raise any questions with either the manager or practitioner. back
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