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Soil Plan...

EU Soil Directive

The overall objective of the Soil Thematic Strategy is to the protection and sustainable use of soil, based on the following guiding principles:.

preventing further soil degradation and preserving its functions;

restoring degraded soils to a level of functionality consistent at least with current and intended use,
thus also considering the cost implications of the restoration of soil.
Process stalled. UK position
UK Soil Action Plan

Carbon Sequestration and Trading Falloux PPT International Food Policy Council

Soil Sequestration

Burying Biomass

Full diagram from New Scientist

Peat Restoration: planting marsh grasses and bulrushes that when they die they will accumulate beneath the surface and gradually transform into peat. Potential C sequestration: 77 tonnes C hect/yr.
Burying Biochar: 500 years ago Amazonian people were creating almost pure carbon by smouldering their domestic waste and letting it work its way into the soil. Such charred organic matter, or "biochar", can be made when organic matter is heated in the absence of air to around 350 °C. Potential C sequestration: 98 tonnes C hect/yr. Burying biomass to fight climate change
Burying Wood: If we buried half of the wood that grows each year, in such a way that it didn't decay, enough CO2 would be removed from the atmosphere to offset all of our fossil-fuel emissions. Potential C sequestration: 1 tonnes C hect/yr.
Planting Trees to sequester carbon is approved under the Kyoto protocol, but the carbon locked up in forests is only kept out of the atmosphere for as long as the tree is alive, and that older trees start emitting more carbon than they take up as they reach old age. Potential C sequestration: 1-5 tonnes C hect/yr. Zeng article on Carbon Sequestration by burial

Soil / Carbon Indicators

The following indicators have been proposed for use in a national soil monitoring scheme. DEFRA project to design a new soil monitoring scheme. UKSIC have been focusing on the use of SOC as a headline indicator for the SFFS. Carbon levels are best measured at 5-7 year intervals..which isnt v.useful for yearly targets..


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