Issues | | Write your policy... Your policy will need to include statements that cover the following six points: - Set and review Sustainable Food objectives and targets
- e.g. We will review all our objectives annually and continually monitor our targets
- e.g. Our overall objective is to improve access to healthy food that supports regional agriculture
- Comply with legislation
- e.g.We will comply with all legislation
- Prioritise Sustainable Food Issues to be addressed
- e.g. We will provide food that is not from sources that utilize excessive antibiotics, bovine growth hormones, irradiation, or transgenic modification of organisms
- Reduce impacts on health and environment
- e.g. We support regional small scale, sustainable agriculture that is environmentally sound, economically viable, socially responsible, and non-exploitative.
- e.g. We aim for all our food to be nutritious, fresh, and reflective of local diversity
- Commit to continual improvement in food control
- e.g. We will strive to continually improve our targets and increase the scope of issues covered by our Sustainable Food system
- Communicate the policy to employees and customers
- e.g. Our Sustainable Food Policy will be reviewed annually, communicated to all employees and displayed in a prominant position available for the public to view.
Task: Check out more policy statements for ideas to help you formulate your Sustainable Food Policy.
Circulate your draft Sustainable Food Policy to senior management and employees. Ask for feedback, answer any questions and discuss any concerns employees may have. It is vital that you get "buy in" for what you are doing. Following this consultation, you may alter some of the statements.
Finally - get it signed by top management, distribute to all employees, other stakeholders and display in a place where your customers, employees and the public may read it. back